Pokemon | Gijinkas | Adventure | Slice of Life | Town Builder | Homebrew DND
Current act: 1
Welcome to the Land of Pokemon

The Pokémon world is a land in which only Pokémon live, taking place in the setting of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. Pokémon live in pleasant areas such as Friend Areas, or larger settlements such as Pokémon Square, Treasure Town, Pokémon Paradise, and Lively Town.Spread out across the world are many mystery dungeons, labyrinthin structures with several floors that the player must traverse to complete jobs. They are home to many hostile Pokémon. Some, less than others.Solace Town mixes elements of different media stemming from PMD, Pkmn Conquest, & Fear and Hunger with an open worldbuilding that builds itself around the player characters. The world is full of mystery, both familiar and unfamiliar to the player from the existence of distortions to the roles of Gijinkas within the world of Pokémon.
Rules and faq

Be respectful of players and mods. Homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, islamophobia, etc. will not be tolerated.This group will center around town building with the help of member contributions in either activity, art, or writing.There will be a trigger list in the server including topics that MUST be avoided and topics that MUST be spoilered with an attached TW.Please keep personal drama out of the server. If you are having issues with another player, attempt to solve the issue privately before consulting a mod.Godmodding and metagaming is not permitted.Shipchasing is not permitted. If you want something to happen between your OC and another player’s, please communicate with them and respect their boundaries.--------Is Solace Town a casual group?
ASolace Town is a semi-plot driven group where an overarching story lies within the world. Players are not required to join such events but they are affected by the world's changes.Player stories and Adventures
Solace Town is first and foremost, an adventure group that thrives on participation for stories to be resolved including the mysteries of player OCs homes, backstories, and even birth rights. Each individual OCs stories are intertwined within the world. You may discover a part of yourself that you've never known existed or always known. The world is your oyster.--------
The Story

In the Pokémon world, there have been random occurrences where Pokémon turn into weird creatures that looks similar to the "humans" in the myths. This phenomena occurs against the Pokemon's will, oftentimes difficult to control in the beginning. As to the rarity... It had come to be known as a "rare disease" known as Gijinka. Those who end up being infected are often frowned upon and shunned, seen as "freaks" by those who are aware of their nature.After years of having nowhere to go, a well known exploration team from the Air continent finds themselves wandering. Rumors have it that this group of exiles were Pokémon that contacted this "rare disease", moving from one continent to another. Their journey had ended when the sacrifice of their former teammate led to a pact that allowed Gijinkas to have their own land within the Air Continent. These explorers established a guild of their own, to give a place for the "freaks" - as they would call them - a new home where they could be themselves.You may be part of those that followed them from the original guild, o maybe you were from another settlement, continent, and heard rumors of their new goal. There are still negative whispers in the streets but maybe, just maybe, that place can be your new home, your new solace.
Solace Town
Solace Town is a settlement created on the flat lands near the promised Solace Tree, a tree born of the sacrifice of a friend that allowed peace, albiet shaky, to come to the gijinkas. Created by a group of Pokémon that has acquired the disease, they aim to live in harmony together where both gijinkas and Pokémon are welcome at any time.The town itself is small but by time, it will grow as more and more Pokémon move in, whether it be for work, residency, or to join the exploration guild that mediates this town.
Trinity Guild
Led by its carefree yet dependable leader, Cian the Pawmo with his partner Malin the Espurr, the Trinity Guild is the starting piece of Solace Town. With their explorer roots standing strong within them and the sacrifice of a friend, they decided to create a guild that would accept those inflicted with Gijinka with the promise of a home to stay in.The guild is built to be both inclusive to the creature and humanoid forms of Pokemon. It is unclear to how and why the guild knows so much about humans and their comforts. Other than being a clearly amazing exploration team that was exiled for their illness, there seems to be more things that this trio hides. However, they can assure that it is one that wouldn't harm their people.Many different pokemon and gijinkas have gathered within Solace Town. Below are an overview of its current residents.
character creation

visual app
- Artwork of the character as a pokemon
- Chibi/artwork of the character as a gijinka
- Portrait of either the pokemon/gijinkaWe, at the very least, require flat coloring for the visual app. Elements can be added for the aesthetic of the pokemon if wished as long as the borders and frames remain untouched.Please make sure that their clothes are fantasy/pastoral/low or high fantasy as the pokemon world is still not modern. Techwear is a big no! We unlock such functions as the town itself progresses in the future!Feel free to use the chibi base for your character chibi as well! You are also allowed to just make your own.
written app
Character Name: (Pokemon Typically do not have last names)
Age: (Age is 18+ . Feel free to have an older age as long as it makes sense for the species to have it.)
Gender: Beeee whoooo youuu areee
Species: What Pokemon the character is
Size: Tiny | Average | Big
(Alphas are not included in this.)
Height: (Gijinka Height)
Role: Trinity Guild Explorer (All players start as an explorer)Personality:
(Can be written in bullet points. 3 Positives - 3 Negatives | 3 Neutrals are optional)
There is no need for a whole essay to explain the personality but we would like to have a few sentences atleast to get to know your character better.Stats and Mechanics
System mixes stats and coin flips for the dungeons with stats that stems from PMD, Pkmn Conquest, & Fear and Hunger. Stats are listed below:Pokemon Type: First | Second
Ability: Pokemon's Ability
Moveset: A total of 4. These should only be LVL up or Egg moves and cannot be TM learned.Attributes:
- Health (Starting Health: 3)
Health determines how much health a pokemon has before fainting.
- Power (Starting Power: 1)
Power determines how hard a pokemon move hits.
- Speed (Starting Speed: 1)
Speed determines how many times a pokemon can reroll a coin to hit.
- Belly (Starting Belly: 3)
Belly determines how much a pokemon can scavenge in a dungeon without starving.When creating a character, a player has 5 additional attributes to add. Please note that power and speed maxes at 5 points while health and belly maxes at 10 points.History:
What were you before you were inflicted with the Gijinka disease? When you came to Solace Town and joined the guild? Feel free to be creative. You are free to make up settlements and such as long as it still aligns with the world of PMD.Humans turned Pokémon are not allowed. Every player was a pokemon before having the disease. Humans are myths and tall tales used to scare kids. Most human knowledge pokemon has is through these books so they are not very advanced technology wise.